In a small village nestled in the heart of the countryside, there lived a group of animals who had formed a close-knit community. Among them was a mother dog who had just given birth to a litter of six adorable puppies. She was a loving and attentive mother who took great care of her little ones.
One day, the mother dog had to leave the puppies for a while to tend to some urgent business in the nearby town. She was worried about leaving her babies alone, but she knew that she had no choice. As she bid her farewells, she couldn’t help feeling a little sad.
However, her worries were soon put to rest when a friendly goose stepped up to take care of the puppies in her absence. The goose, who had always been fond of the puppies, had noticed the mother dog’s distress and had offered to help out. The mother dog had gratefully accepted the goose’s offer.
And so, the goose became the puppies’ surrogate mother. She watched over them, fed them, and played with them just like the mother dog would have done. The puppies, in turn, adored the goose and looked up to her with big, curious eyes.